Whose to say why, but at Victrola, coffees from Ethiopia tend to tantalize us. (We like to think it is because we shun all things that hint at boring!) The Fair Trade and Organic Ethiopia Yirga Cheffe Koke Co-op is no exception. Although we have all really enjoyed having the Koke as a Single Origin Espresso over the past month or so, we just couldn't wait to get this new roast on tap for french press and pour over and bagged up for you all to enjoy at home.
The careful growing methods, the wild- varietals and the very high altitudes at which this coffee were produced come together in remarkable ways to yield very interesting characteristics in the cup. Complex and sweet, this multitudinous coffee has lemon citrus, jasmine, tea, fresh cream, hints of dill and a cocoa finish.
Enjoy in the cafe or in the comfort of your own home (I promise we will!).
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