We have learned not to underestimate the popularity of coffees from the Harrar region in Ethiopia. Earlier this summer across the board shipping delays out of Ethiopia left us without a fresh crop. When we ran out of Harrar we had many a sad coffee drinker. Luckily all of our patience has paid off. We finally have the Ethiopia Harrar "Makeda" Longberry to get excited about.
This coffee has all of the characteristics we love in natural processed (a waterless process where the coffee cherry dries in the sun) coffee: sweet and fruity, mildly acidic, and earthy. The Makeda also has a nice heavy body, a milk-chocolate sweetness and a hint of berry.
If you like a snappy, crisp cup of coffee, you are sure to like the Ethiopia Harrar "Makeda" Longberry.
Available in French Press and retail ($16/ lb).
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