...and even MORE new coffee! Arriba!
We finally received our bag (that's right, one... we have a very limited supply of this one) of Costa Rica Cup of Excellence winner #20, from a pretty special farm in Central Costa Rica. Read on:
The El Patio finca and beneficio (or, property and coffee mill) -- in the Heredia region -- has been in farmer Mrs. Maria Elena Camacho Morales’ family for three generations. Through times of hardship and fierce competition in a devaluing coffee market, the family recommitted themselves to producing the highest possible quality bean. The results are wonderful: well-balanced, soft, and juicy; hints of grape, green apple, and bakers’ chocolate; a floral and herbal bouquet. We love this coffee, not only for its cup characteristics, but also because we get to hear the following from Mrs. Camacho: “The thing I enjoy the most, is to watch my grandsons play in the coffee plantations; I like it that they remember their origin, and for them to learn the love of the land.”
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