We couldn't resist.
We’ve been anxiously awaiting the samples from the Best of Panama for the online auction (to occur on May 29). Every year, coffee farmers in Panama submit their lots to an international panel of coffee professionals, who then have the daunting task of narrowing the field to a mere 25 winners. Last year’s competition was fierce, proving that Panamanian coffee deserves their excellent reputation for yummy coffee.
Now it’s our job to roast, taste, and evaluate these 25 amazing coffees to determine which one we might like to bid for. Keith literally just finished roasting all of them, and now we’ll dream of beautiful acidity and delicate floral notes until this Friday at 12pm, when we’ll begin cupping the first of three flights. Since there are so many, we’ll probably go until 3pm, and you are more than welcome to join us! Just stop in at the Roastery location at 310 E Pike St, and ask the barista which way to Panamania (ha ha, I couldn’t help myself)!!
Hope to see you there!
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