Not to Brag...
Our favorite two Honduran Coffees have given us a reason to toot our own horn a bit. They were submitted to Coffee Review and scored in the 90s and we couldn't be prouder! Of course, we knew they had great flavor and cupped well - we took our time dialing in an appropriate roast profile before we released them to the public. Where can I get my hands on these most award-winningest coffees you ask? They are available as a pour-over, French Press or to take home to your friends and family at each of our three Seattle Cafes and online on the website.
The Honduras Caracolillo is our prized Reserve Peaberry and scored a 94. We only received one bag of it - but it was the only bag produced!! Please read more about this wonderfully balanced coffee on our website and partake of it before it's gone...
Honduran producer Denis Teruel diligently procured 12 bags of his delicious washed Bourbon varietal from the same region as the Peaberry and Victrola purchased the majority of the lot. Teruel's lot scored a 91. We can't get enough Honduras coffee this winter - aren't you lucky?! Please enjoy the roaster's notes on the Honduras Denis Teruel here.

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