Delicate and Understated
Delicate and understated, the light-bodied El Salvador Finca La Fany combines a soft and juicy citric acidity with macadamia nut and caramelized sugar.
Farmed by conscientious fourth generation farmers, Luis Silva, his brother Rafael and his brothers wife Carmen, Finca La Fany produces exceptional, even Cup of Excellence award winning coffee. Nestled in the 1400 M, windswept Apaneca Ilamatepec mountains, the farm supports numerous native shade trees that support a large population of native birds. The Silvas also employ a vast number of earthworms to produce a completely organic fertilizer from the left over coffee pulp.
Their coffee is hand picked, sun-dried and hand selected to guarantee quality, a process which provides work for 24 local families. Clean, sweet, and delicate the 100% bourbon varietal Finca La Fany is full washed and patio dried.
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