A month or so ago, with many a barista story about the emerging Portland coffee scene, we decided that we had to make a little trip down to our quaint, pleasant neighbor to the South. And we were so glad we did! We a great, warm welcome we received. Each cafe we stopped at we ran into people we knew, including many expat Seattlites: baristas who competed at our last smack down, other industry folks, and even our former head roaster (who has helped open a roasting company and is in the process of building out his own cafe).
We stopped at nine (yes, nine) cafes. And of course, we had to try the coffee at each shop. I am sure you can imagine how fast our hearts were beating (we tried- rather unsuccessfully- to balance it all out with beer).
Let's just say that for all of us who squished into the cozy leather seats on the Limo mini-bus last week, our trip to Portland was like Prom for grown-ups (or nearly grown-ups).
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