Colombia Huila Mejor de Monserrate Micro-lot #5
Monserrate is a one road town about two bumpy hours from La Plata. The forty or more family farms surrounding the town have produced exceptional coffee thanks in part to development money from US AID and a partnership with Atlas Coffee importers. The increasing quality of the coffee is tied to the community's investments in processing. Each family has its own de-pulping and fermentation set up and raised drying screens protected from the rain by parabolic roofs of transparent plastic. For the past three years, roasters have joined with producers to taste and judge the various micro-lots. Two years ago our head roaster Perry was able to travel to Colombia and participate.
This year we have once again bought one of the communities exceptional micro-lots. The lot Number 5 was grown by Sr. Carlos Quintero (pictured above). The coffee is pleasantly acidic, juicy and smooth, with hints of red fruit and vanilla.
Colombia Monserrate Micro-lot #5 $18/lb
Availability: Retail, French Press, and Pour-over
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