Paramount Blend

12 oz recyclable valve bag
Origin: Ethiopia / Brazil / Guatemala
Region: Yirgacheffe / Mantiqueira de Minas / Quiche
Producer: SNAP / Cocarive / One Guatemala
Process: Washed / Pulped Natural / Washed
Roast Level: Medium
Tasting Notes:
Nectarine, Butterscotch, Milk Chocolate
Roaster's Notes:
Paramount is our exciting light roasted blend focused on being excellent in all brewing devices on the market. This blend is specifically formulated to align our sourcing values, quality standards, and long-term relationships. A perfect mix of Ethiopian, Brazilian, and Guatemalan coffees; all three origins in this blend represent long term relationships with excellent coffee producing groups. Sourcing from three continents for this blend gives us the opportunity to share our view of the global coffee world in one cup of coffee.