Guatemala Pedro Villatoro
$ 22.00


Producer: Pedro Villatoro

Farm: Esperanza Guayabales
Process: Washed
Variety: Bourbon
Elevation: 1850 MASL

Tasting Notes: Blackberry, Cola, Stone Fruit

Roaster's Notes

Pedro is a well respected member of the Hoja Blanca community. He is a soft-spoken man, but when he speaks he is heard. Pedro inherited Guayabales from his father and has spent the majority of his life growing and producing some of our favorite coffees from Huehuetenango. Our Green Coffee Buyer has sourced coffee from Pedro nearly every year since he started roasting over a decade ago. On many levels this coffee is a true representation of Direct Trade and our dedication to long lasting relationships. We selected this coffee as a limited run because of Pedro's mastery in the washed process. This coffee is one of the best examples of washed coffee we have tasted over the years and we wanted to showcase this coffee because of its perfection to the craft and the complexity of its clarity in flavor. 

For washed process coffees we are searching for clear and distinct flavors in the cup. Often there is a fermented note or an imbalance of sweetness, body, or acidity. But just like the stars aligning or a full solar eclipse, a coffee finds us that is perfect in nearly every way. We adore Pedro and his coffee, and are very excited to share this coffee with you.