You Brew Too!
How do YOU brew coffee at home? Vickie baristas love to make you your daily beverage at the cafes, but we also love to tell all we know about coffee preparation. It’s part of our vision as a Roastery & Cafe– to share and to educate.
If you’re like me, on more than one occasion you’ve found your cup in the morning doesn’t quite taste like the steaming hot aromatic & full flavored cup from the café does. You have taken all the steps you know are part of the coffee-preparation ritual – purchased fresh roasted coffee, ground the beans inhaling deeply as you do this (not technically part of the ritual, but important nonetheless!), heated water & hit the ‘brew’ button or submerged the French Press plunger after a few minutes. But after plopping down on the couch & taking that first sip, you mutter to yourself, “it’ll do”. You don’t want to settle for just OK. We don’t want you to have to either.
Victrola’s website has a lot to offer. Besides detailed descriptions of all our coffees and guilty-pleasure shopping for mugs & equipment, you can find brewing guidelines, cupping & flavor evaluating techniques, our roasting philosophies & even some SCIENCE! How can you not love science?
Take it from us, the pointers here will guide you toward coffee-brewing enlightenment. If it’s high-fives and sassy repoire you’re looking for, you’re going to have to put on some pants & come pay us a visit.
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