¡Hola amigos de cafe! Well, here we are, writing to you from an internet cafe in Huehuetenango. We´ve had quite the trip to get here.... on the plane all day yesterday; on the van most of today. Not that we´re complaining! Heck, we´re in Guatemala, for goodness sakes!
So, we fooled you with the photo of the chicken buses! Though we did have several close brushes with them on the highway, we got a pimpy van to ride... in style! But before we went to Huehue, we made a little stop at Anacafe, the Guatemalan coffee growers association. Check out their atrium!
All along them way, we´ve been graciously treated by our hosts, the Martinez family. Edwin Sr. and Edwin Jr. have been keeping us safe, fed, and happily caffeinated. All of us being coffee folk, we have certain needs in the drip coffee department! We had a Guatemala dinner this evening called a cosito... basically a stew with whole potatoes, carrots, squash, oxtail, and optional spicy stuff (I highly recommend the spicy stuff ;)
Lastly, we will sleep well tonight knowing that the view from our rooftop is amazing, and that the view from the Finca Vista Hermosa, where we visit tomorrow, will also be breathtaking. We look forward to posting the next time (maybe with a computer with a faster internet connection!)
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