Victrola Coffee Masters
Sometimes people get our name wrong. Victroria Coffee, Victorla Coffee but "Victrola Coffee Masters" is my favorite. Anyway...we were featured on the premier of a new Food Network Program this weekend called "Giada's Weekend Getaways"! You get to spend a weekend with Giada and her perma-grin in various cities. Her Seattle visit took her to Cascadia for mini-burgers and alpine martnins, the EMP where she rocks out on the drums, the Pike Place Market for breakfast at Lowells and the fish throwing stand, dinner at the Dahlia, more breakfast at Cafe Nola on bainbrigde and, most importantly, a stop at a "classic" Seattle coffeehouse...Victrola! I almost fell out of my seat when I saw her put 4 packs of sugar in her delicious americano but hey..the lady apparently likes her sugar. Anyway, you can visit the Food Network Site to check out more details.
There is a beautiful shot of Victrola latte art being poured by our very own Hardison. If you don't normally come in when he is working, here are some pics to entice you to seek him out! He will be moving down to our Pike Street location, by the way, holding down the afternoon shifts...
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